Friday, April 17, 2020

Disability in Popular Culture - Sample Essay

Disability in Popular Culture - Sample EssayRecently, I read through a couple of online samples in the category of Disability in Popular Culture, and that is not a surprise, since I'm working on my dissertation. Here's a sample essay about disability.There are a number of ways that people who are disabled can be viewed in society, and it is imperative that the various cultures portrayed have as much representation as possible. The medical community focuses too much on the physical difficulties of those who are disabled, and not enough on their ability to contribute to the world around them. The medical field is very costly, and the population of the elderly with disabilities continues to grow at a very rapid rate.Those in today's society generally face many more obstacles in the way of life, and in some cases, the limitations that can affect them physically are greater than those who are able bodied. It is apparent that the social roles of the mentally challenged are often looked dow n upon, even though the mental disorder itself may have nothing to do with the character of a person. The television show Family Guy has made this very clear throughout the years. This kind of stereotyping does nothing to help the population that is mentally challenged and will only make it appear that they are undesirable, because people are able bodied. The overall societal attitude can only cause more difficulties for those that have mental difficulties.It is essential to highlight the problems that are faced by those who are mentally disabled, because this in turn can make a change in society happen. But what are the problems that are faced by those that are less physically handicapped? The first thing that should be known is that these types of problems are problems of life, and not those that are caused by an individual's physical disability.The definition of Disability in Popular Culture makes this quite clear, and this has been part of the debate for decades, as well as bein g the definition that has been used by a great deal of people that need to have these problems recognized in society. The definition that is used is that the problem is one of living; that it is something that cannot be changed, even when the problems are very difficult to live with. I do not agree with this definition, but I can understand why it has become popular over the years.This definition of Disability in Popular Culture only focuses on one aspect of the situation, and the problems that are faced by those that are physically disabled are often times a very large part of the problems. What needs to be known, as well as seen, is that those that are physically and mentally handicapped need to be included in society. This is true regardless of whether the individual is famous or infamous, and not just in popular culture.These issues have been brought to light in our society, and it is important to see how they can be dealt with and solved. All the information in this article is drawn from real life experiences, and real life examples, and all of the information I am going to present here can be turned into a power point presentation and shown to a group of people who want to see these things changed. The problem that needs to be discussed is that of social acceptance, which also falls under the category of Disability in Popular Culture.The basic issue is that the disability should not be ignored in popular culture, and that those who are affected by the disabilities should be recognized. It is almost like labeling a disease as something that only affects a small group of people. Instead, those who are affected should be made to feel welcome, because their differences are their greatest assets.

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